Wednesday, January 30, 2008

A Good Business Idea May Not Be Enough For Home Workers

Business ideas for home workers.

Your thoughts and ideas about what will be a good business for you, will directly affect your decision to start either a home base business or a small business run from an office. The basic rule about business ideas is, the bigger your idea is, the more time, money and effort you will need to invest in order to make it pay.

Every business starts with an idea. Some will be great business ideas that could make a profit and some are doomed to failure even before you pick up your pen to write it down. You just might not know it.

It might be that you decide to start a data entry home based business where you input data for another company or provide secretarial services for business men and women who do not have the time to type up letters. Or even a geniune home based business that you will be proud to tell people about.

What ever business you are starting up there is one problem that we all have to deal with.

Raising the capital to start your new home based business or small business venture will probably be your first significant business challenge. Depending on the business you want to start up and where you want to base your business, you could initially ask for financial help from friends or family.

It is a fact that most new business start ups fail because of under funding. Put simply you can not run a business without money.

When you are chosing your accountant make sure they are members of a recognised governing body or institution who work to a code of practice. If things do go wrong you will have some form of protection. If you are trying to raise funds, get a small business loan or business financing from a lender, your chances of success are better if you present a business plan where the finacial section has been completed by an accountant.

Everything you do from the moment you say 'How do I start a new business working from home?' or 'How do I set up a small business' is going to cost you something. An accountant can tell you everything you can claim back as a legitimate business expense.

If you are starting up or planning to run a new business at home you must talk to someone in the legal profession as well. When you are starting in business, always make sure you are legit.

It may be something you have not considered before. Here are two possibilities.

There may be local government laws or council by-laws that prohibit you from running you business from home.

or ...

You need to have terms and conditions of trade which protect you if things go wrong.

These are just two known reasons for getting legal advice. You have to remember that there are business sharks out there who feed on the ill informed. Don't be one of them.

The home business opportunity lifestyle is something that many other people want. Be realistic and understand that any business you start is going to take time to get off the ground. I hope I have not scared you into 'not' starting a business base from the comfort of your house or flat. It can be very rewarding and there are many advantages to working at home. At the same time you need to know and understand the very basics. The essentials.

Although there are many perceived (and real) advantages of working at home, in some cases that 'freedom' can work against you. As long as you remember that you only get something back after you have put effot or cash in, you will be fine.

The Author, Kevin Polley is an ecommerce consultant who has been helping people set up and run successful online businesses since 2001. For more information or tools visit

Kevin Polley is an ecommerce consultant who has been helping people set up and run successful online businesses since 2001. For more information or tools visit Blog15026
Caroljean Blog90518

I Love Traffic Jams

Most web marketers would agree that the number one and most fundamental aspect of any successful website is; The more traffic, the better! In keeping with that strategy, please let me share a few thoughts on how to actually accomplish this.

The one thing you can always count on in this world we live in, if you own a car of course, is getting stuck in traffic. There are those who experience this on a daily basis and for the rest of us, who do not drive to work, hopefully only once in a while.

Nevertheless, for most people this is a huge source of frustration and stress. Why? Because drivers hate the very thought of being stuck in one place when they want to be in another place. Take a look at the people around you the next time youre in a traffic jam. Is everyone smiling and having a good time? Probably not

So, how many of you would like to know how to alleviate the upset and the anxiety associated with being stuck in traffic? Because, and heres the thing, traffic jams are not going to disappear anytime soon. As long as we as a society rely on cars and trucks to get around there will always be traffic! But, even though it sounds crazy, I personally have learned to love traffic jams. Heres why.

Ive always maintained there are only 2 things you can do in any stressful situation; you either accept it or you can remove yourself from the situation. Beating yourself up or blaming someone else for the traffic jam only makes it worse. Thats what most people dont understand. Its not the traffic jam thats the problem; its your resistance to it. And, its that resistance that causes the stress. In other words, its the amount of energy you put into resisting your situation that causes the stress, not the situation itself.

In the case of traffic however, its obvious that you cannot remove yourself from it if youre already in it. So, the only other thing you can do is accept it, right? Complete 100% of acceptance of the situation is the only way to alleviate 100% of the stress. Now, I can hear your brain malfunctioning right about now and your saying to yourself, how can I possibly learn to accept traffic? Ah ha! Therein lies the secret to getting what you really want. Because thats what life is about, getting what you really want instead of what you dont want, right?

What you really want is more success. And, even though success means many different things to many different people, its still something that most people with the wherewithal to achieve big things, strive for each and every day.

Success? In a traffic jam? Youre saying to yourself, now, Im really confused! You see, there is one place where a traffic jam is a beautiful thingthe Internet! Thats what we call in the internet marketing business the key to any successful website, lots and lots of traffic. And, the more traffic jams we can create on our websites, the better!

So, if you want more success, at least in business, start getting more traffic to your website. There are of course many other things to consider when designing your site to make this happen, but without traffic a website is useless.

So, you now know what you really want - more success. You now know what you need to do to get it generate more traffic to your website. But, the most important part of this 3-part formula is; knowing how to do it! Without knowing how to do something you will never get the success you most certainly deserve. And, because business is about customers - the more customers you have the more success youll have. Knowing how to get more customers to your website and create a traffic jam is a science and it is definitely a skill which can be learned.

Now lets look at the many resources available to you to generate the traffic you need to run a successful website; search engines, affiliate programs, content submissions, email campaigns, joint venture partners, link exchanges, blogs, pay-per-click advertising and a whole host of other resources too numerous to mention here. If some of these things sound unfamiliar to you, my highest recommendation is to at least find out what they are and some of the things you need to do to make them work. For the purposes of this article, were going to focus on one thing; search engines. Why just search engines? Because thats where statistics have shown that 70% of your website traffic will be driven through search engines like; Google, Yahoo, MSN etc. Plus, its free!

How do you make search engines work for you?

First, you need to optimize your website to get a high search engine ranking. This means selecting relevant targeted keyword phrases and placing those keywords strategically on your web pages. How do you know what keyword phrases to use? Thats where many people make huge mistakes because they actually optimize their sites for keyword phrases that nobodys actually searching for. Hint! Find out first what people are searching for and then build your web pages around that. There are tools out there to help you chose what search terms are relevant such as; Googles free service called Overture, and WordTracker which is a paid service.

Once youve chosen your keywords its time to place them on your site. This is what we call keyword density. My suggestion for optimal results is to place one or two keyword phrases on each page in your; Page Title, Meta Description Tags, Meta Keyword Tags and a few times in the text of your webpage. This alone will significantly increase the ranking of your site for engines like Google and Yahoo. You see, these engines think like people. They look for whats important on your website and how relevant your site is to what key phrases youre optimizing it for. So, in other words dont optimize your site for free movie downloads if youre selling cosmetics. Bad idea! You can actually get penalized by engines for trying to trick them into sending you traffic.

Finally, the most significant factor in increasing your search engine optimization is incoming links. And, if youre wondering how important this is? Thats the million dollar, drop the gates, release the hounds, key to the universe! Why? Well, think of it like this. Even if your site is optimized with relevant keywords, whos to say that youre any good at what you do. Whos to say your products and services are any good. Thats the way engines like Google think. They want to know from others if you do what you say and if youre any good at doing it. How do they do this? By finding links to your website, on other sites, that promote what youre saying on your site. The more links into your website promoting what it is you do, the better!

Are you ready for the kicker? You mean theres more? Yep, theres more! If the last paragraph was a million dollar technique, this is definitely a two million dollar technique. Make sure that the links on other websites, which lead to your website, use your keyword phrases. Therefore your links in from outside should look like this Piano Music by Paul Tobey where the link underneath piano music is the url of your site ie: An engine like Google searches for the keywords first and then follows the link to see if its relevant. If it is relevant, which in the case of the preceding example it is, then the ranking for the keyword search piano music will go up every time Google or another search engine, finds one of these links.

So, the next time youre sitting in traffic and you start to get agitated, stressed and filled with anxiety, think of all the traffic your website will be generating while youre stuck in the car. Take a look at all the angry people around you, give a big smile and say out loud to yourself, I Love Traffic Jams.

Paul TobeyAlis Blog96050
Arabele Blog4020

Don't Forget Your Ladder

A ladder is a very handy item to have around the house. Most people will usually own several different types of ladders. Each type of ladder has a specific use and should only be used specifically for that reason. Using the wrong type of ladder can lead to very serious injury.

The most common ladder is a stepladder. Two stiles are hinged in the middle by an inverted V hinge to allow the ladder be fixed into place. Most modern ladders are made out of aluminum but a few are still made with wood. A stepladder is going to be the ladder of choice for any home projects that take place inside the home.

Painting and wallpapering can be difficult even impossible jobs without a stepladder. If your home has rather high ceilings, it is important to consider how high your ladders is and what step you can safely step onto. Most stepladders specifically state that you cannot stand above a certain step and this should be followed to avoid injury. The higher you are on a ladder the easier it is going to be for you to fall.

Another type of common ladder that is useful in most homes is an extension ladder. An extension ladder is a fixed latter that is divided by lengths that can either be slid together for convenient storage, or they slid apart to it's maximum length. An extension ladder is best used for projects that are very high off of the ground.

Cleaning the gutters of your roof is a perfect example. It is always best for safety reasons to have someone at the bottom of the ladder stabilizing it if you are going to be climbing higher then the mid length of the ladder. Above that point a ladder can become unstable if not anchored properly. Having an extra pair of hands isn't always as option so some ladders come equipped with extra wide supports.

Regardless of the type of project you are doing, always be safe and use the right ladder for the job.

Milton Felton writes for, a website packed with information on Concertina Attic Ladders and Ladder Rack TrailersCarolyn Blog16175
Antonietta Blog50169

Home Depot Coupons Can Save You Hundreds

Owning and maintaining a home doesnt come cheap and home improvement costs just add to the budget strain. Its no surprise that do-it-yourself stores like Home Depot have grown by leaps and bounds in the past years. If you want to know how Home Depot can save you even more money than it is already, you may want to look into using Home Depot coupons when you shop at their online store.

Its not surprising that the majority of consumers dont even know Home Depot coupons exist. Home Depot doesnt usually go around advertising them and most people dont know where to find them. However, finding Home Depot coupons does not have to be a wild treasure hunt. The coupons are readily available through affiliate websites and these affiliate websites can save you literally hundreds of dollars with the Home Depot coupons they have to offer.

When I say Home Depot coupons can save you hundreds of dollars, I am not exaggerating. In fact, if you are working on your home, saving that much money with Home Depot coupons is pretty easy to do. For example, if you need new appliances and your purchase came to a total of $2,000 and you had a Home Depot coupon for ten percent off, you could save a whopping $200 on your purchase. Thats not chump change.

Home Depot coupons dont always come as a percentage off. Some Home Depot coupons may offer you a gift card if you make a certain purchase while other Home Depot coupons may offer you a free accessory with your purchase or free delivery. If you want to know what Home Depot coupons are available at any given time, your best bet is to check out an affiliate website that will provide you with the links and codes needed to take advantage of the current offers.

Appliances arent the only things you can use Home Depot coupons on. You can use Home Depot coupons on tools, patio furniture, grills, lawn mowers, lighting, flooring, and everything else thats for sale on the Home Depot website. Just remember, Home Depot coupons can only be used online. You cant take the coupon code into a store and expect them to give you the online discount.

Even though there are usually multiple Home Depot coupons being offered at one time, you cant use more than one Home Depot coupon on the same purchase. You can combine a coupon with a discount price or a rebate, but you cant combine two Home Depot coupons with each other. Because of this, its important to make sure you check out all of the currently available Home Depot coupons so you can be sure youre using the one thats going to get you the best deal.

So while home maintenance, home repairs and home improvement can all be a real strain on the wallet, Home Depot coupons can help lighten the load when those high costs come rolling in.

Copyright © 2006, Michael Glozman. Find more Home Depot Coupons at http://Cheapstingybargains.comAdelind Blog41889
Allx Blog5522

Best Teeth Whitening: caste the spell of your smile.

Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. This is indeed a very famous saying. And why not everybody appreciates beauty; it is the one thing that is eternal. Each and every creation of god is beautiful. Everybody wants to look beautiful and wants to be associated with beauty. Each day is a beautiful day and we all are beautiful. There are various forms of beauty. A beautiful smile can also prove to be one of the best assets and one of the best forms of beauty. In fact one great flashy smile can impress someone the very first time. But at times some people might not be able to pass that great smile because of their yellow or brown teeth as they might feel conscious. But thanks to the advent of scientific ways this also has many remedies and the best and the most effective remedy is the best teeth whitening option. How best teeth whitening functions is very simple- in a very eased out way it reserves the process of the discoloration of the teeth and makes it white like a shinning pearl.

Best teeth whitening basically bleaches the yellow or the brown teeth to get back the white enamel of the teeth. Teeth generally start getting discolored over a period of time and even due to intake of excessive caffeine and other edibles. Even tobacco, cola stains and stuff like coffee and tea also tend to make teeth lose their natural white color, resulting in tallow or brown teeth. At the same time, excessive production of fluoride and excessive intakes of antibiotics result in the darkening of the teeth color making them look bad and the person feeling all conscious and embarrassed to pass a nice and a casual smile. Best teeth whitening is the best possible solution to these ugly colored teeth. Moreover the process is also a safe one and assures patients great looking white shiny teeth. Best teeth whitening is an added advantage in the domain of cosmetic dentistry where studies show that almost 96% of the people who go in for the best teeth whitening experience a successful treatment.

There are some options through which you can undergo the best teeth whitening process. All these three methods are easy, convenient and definitely feasible in terms of expenses. If you are keen on making those dark teeth of yours look good once again you can either go in for a professional teeth bleaching done by a cosmetic dentist, try out home bleaching or simply use best teeth whitening toothpastes. Going in for a professional bleaching is the most effective one because it is a professional who does the work for you and you can be rest assured of excellent results of the best teeth whitening. There are a couple of sittings that you would need to undergo and each sitting would consume an hours time.

The second option of undergoing the best teeth whitening is getting the bleach done at home. This would need you to buy a good best teeth whitening kit and then use the kit yourself. This kit can be bought from a medical store or from a dental clinic. The procedure that needs to be followed will be explained to you and then you can flash your great smile without feeling conscious. The third option of best teeth whitening is the whitening toothpaste which works in a different way from that of a bleach.

Best teeth whitening is the apt solution to those dirty and discolored teeth and this can adopted very easily and you can be rest assured that it can do wonders for you.

Brad Taylor has a special interest in health related topics and advises people on many aspects related to health. Among other health related topics, dentistry is one field that he is specially interest in in.To know more about best teeth whitening,Cosmetic Dentistry NYC,Restorative Dentist NYC and Dental Veneers visit http://www.rubinsteindmd.comAlex Blog52245
Beckie Blog25150

Will Sales Technology actually improve your company's Sales?

As we embrace the information age, there are more gadgets available to the average sales person, than there were weapons for old age warriors. So does this add a credible advantage to the guy or gal on the road? Early sales reps had their wares and their wits, with which to earn a living, however as technology advances, does all of the constant flow of information actually make today's well trained professionals any more adept than their medieval counterparts?

This article will give you a lot of food for thought, as to how you can make the most of technology to grow your sales. When these tools lead to shorter hours and higher commission, then mobile technology will have been used as intended.

Was CRM really about customers?

In the 90's Customer Relationship Management (CRM) was the saviour of the world. With this great tool, customers would be treated the same when they interacted with a company regardless of the channel they used. I could look at a the latest bells and whistles microwave on the web, see it was in stock and go down to my local bricks and mortar version of the same shop and pick one up. I mean it was in stock according to the web wasn't it?

Joe behind the counter would tell me knowingly, that actually that microwave, was not actually on the market yet, and the marketing guys had just got ahead of them selves. All of this as I spied the Joneses from next door walking out with one under the arm! What was more, I actually did not have any money in my account, because jean at the bank had cross sold me the latest critical illness cover, to ensure I could still get paid, even if the intended microwave I wanted to buy blew up in my face!

So why did the reps shun CRM at first?

That was how Joe Public, the humble customer fared with CRM, but did Jimmy Rep on the road feel about CRM. This amazing management tool, to provide nirvana for customers, had actually another great benefit. It meant that rather than spending hours preparing excel spreadsheets for his boss, the sales manger could put all of the onus on Jimmy Rep, who would have to spend hours after each sales call filling in hundreds of meaningless fields, that no-one ever cared about.

And what was more, the filofax in his head, was now no longer his ticket to job hopping pay rises, since the company now owned all of the information about his customers on this database. What was more; they knew where he was, when he tried to sneak off playing golf, and how few sales he really made.

So what did Jimmy Rep do, he did nothing! He forgot to fill in the data, his boss screamed at him, he moved jobs, and started the whole frustrating, non-selling process all over again, albeit on a higher base salary, with still little or no commission!

Quantifiable benefits of Mobile Sales Tools

OK, enough moaning about the terrible life of Jimmy rep, on the other hand, there are immense productivity gains to be had from well employed use of sales tools.

If your CRM system is implemented in a way that ensures its number one intended beneficiary, the customer, is actually the number one beneficiary, then you will truly reap the rewards on its expenditure. We all have heard the maxim that happy customers, will not only buy more from you, they will also refer you to other customers.

First your customers will be served they way they want to be served. The three key areas where they will benefit are as follows;

They will enjoy a consistent and excellent level of service, what ever channel they use to interact with your company.

When they get a visit from either a sales rep or a service engineer, that person will know all about them, and be able to serve them in the best possible manner.

They will only receive marketing communications, about offerings which are suitable to their requirements, needs or wants.

Meanwhile the sales reps will benefit from tools that enable them to be more productive, and thus earn more commission as follows;

By having the support of a CRM system and an appropriate sales methodology, they can ensure that success gets repeated and mistakes eliminated.

Having the ability to use all of the company tools, they do not waste time travelling to the office, and can have all the information at their finger tips, to go straight out to customers. This eliminates wasteful travel time, and gives them more customer face time.

When their company employs inside sales reps, all information, including appointments generated can be passed to the field sales rep in real-time, to keep their commission earning schedule full.

Being able to access the latest company information on the road, ensures that the mobile sales rep, can be fully up to date, enabling them to be their customers source of information, forging stronger bonds, which results in increased sales.

By having access to the company's ordering systems, while being with a customer, facilitates faster and more accurate ordering of what the customer wants, increasing what the customer can buy.


Driving to Cork in a tractor, is about as smart as using a mini to drag load of hay across a field. Selecting the correct tools, with appropriate training and motivation will yield tangible benefits, by delivering increased sales, higher commission and shorter working hours to a good sales rep.

The Job Advert "carrots" of Laptop, PDA, Mobile phone and car, are essential tools of the trade, when backed up by systems that measure and assist in sales rep productivity. When these tools lead to shorter hours and higher commission, then mobile technology will have been used as intended.

Are you still wondering how technology could give you the competitive edge? Then you need our free sales and marketing assessment. This will show you how you can achieve your goals, and avoid the ignominy of failure.

This article was written by Peter Lawless, founder of 3R Sales and Marketing For previous articles like this, visit 3R's Articles. Alternatively, subscribe to Success our free monthly Information Bulletin with sales and marketing articles.Annabelle Blog89673
Ann Marie Blog93443

Alternatives to Filing Bankruptcy

In today's world, it is very easy for anyone to get into a deep cycle of debt. Credit card companies approve thousands of credit card applications every day. Even those with a bad credit rating are able to avail themselves of credit cards (at high interest rates, of course) and instead of exercising good financial decisions, they start racking up debts, using their credit cards as if it were money.

With the high cost of living today, it would be surprising to find a person who is completely debt free. Today, it is more common for people to owe credit card debts, mortgage, car loans and a host of other debts. Businesses and companies don't make it easy for consumers to become debt free either. Every day, we are bombarded with advertisements, particularly from furniture companies, with the promise that we can have the furniture we want now and not have to pay any interest or start paying until two or three years later.

We are a nation that spends more than what we actually have. No wonder many Americans are deep in debt, with no hope of getting out of the financial mess sooner. Many who find themselves caught up in a cycle of debt and are unable to get out of it look into the possibility of filing bankruptcy. However, there are alternatives to bankruptcy and it pays to look into those first before throwing in the proverbial towel.

Keep in mind that bankruptcy alternatives will not quickly solve your debt problems nor would they give you your credit rating back. However, these bankruptcy alternatives can help you avoid filing for bankruptcy; they can help you gain control of your financial life.

You can speak to a financial advisor, who may be employed by your bank. A financial advisor can help you get your finances in order if you have assets such as a house, a car or valuable electronic equipment. If you do not have many assets, however, this bankruptcy alternative may not be an option for you since you would not be able to meet the financial requirements.

There are many online guides that you can read or download for free, and these could help you in terms of providing you information on the different bankruptcy alternatives you can look into. These online guides can help you evaluate your options and find out what bankruptcy alternative that is suitable to your needs.

You can find out more information on filing for bankruptcy and alternatives at

You can also check with government organizations that can assist you in consolidating your debts and making arrangements with your debtors regarding loan payments. These agencies can help you come up with a payment arrangement that your debtors would find acceptable.

Bankruptcy should be your final option, after you have explored and considered all the other bankruptcy alternatives. Keep in mind that bankruptcy will be reflected in your record for several years. Once you file for bankruptcy, you cannot reverse it; it can also affect your future credit rating. So explore the different bankruptcy alternatives available to you and find the best one.

Article by Dean Forster of Find out more about bankruptcy alternatives and filing for bankruptcy at Online Bankruptcy ServicesCeleste Blog52321
Cathrin Blog74733

How To Install SharePoint 2007 Beta 2

Following are the detailed instructions on how to install SharePoint 2007 Beta 2 on a clean version of Windows 2003. These instructions were done by completing the installation on a Virtual Server 2005 machine that was NOT joined to a domain. I have seen a lot of articles that say the server has to be joined to a domain but that is not a requirement. Below are the detailed installation instructions for SharePoint 2007 Beta 2 on Windows 2003 using SQL Server 2005 on the same machine:

Install Windows 2003 and update the machine with the latest Services Packs and hotfixes from Microsoft by using the "Windows Update" utility.

Create a local machine account to run SQL Server and SharePoint with. Make sure that this account is set to be an administrator on the local machine and that it is set to not have the password expire or to change the password on the first login.

* If you are doing the installation on a server joined to a domain you can use a domain account that is set as an administrator on the local machine

* To create a new local machine account go to Start and right click on "My Computer". Select "Manage" from the list that appears and the "Computer Management" snap-in appears. Expand "Local Users and Groups" and right click on the "Users" folder. Select "New User" and fill in the appropriate information.

Insert the SQL Server 2005 into the machine and make sure that "Autoplay" is enabled so the initial installation screen appears.

From the initial screen select "Choose to Install components"

Click the "Accept terms" checkbox on the license screen that appears and then click "Next"

Click "Install" on the next screen that appears.

Once the process to install "Native Client and Microsoft SQL Server 2005 setup support files" has completed click "Next".

Scanning of the system hardware will occur next.

On the screen that appears after the hardware scan is complete click "Next".

When the system configuration check has completed click "Next".

On the registration page enter the Name, Company and product key and click "Next".

Select the components that should be installed.

You will need SQL Server Database Services, Workstation and Client components; and may want to install Books Online and development tools.

You can click the "Advanced" button and select the specific components that you would like to install. Click "Next".

Click "Default instance name" checkbox on the instance name screen and click "Next".

On the next screen choose what account will run SQL Server 2005. Specify the information for the domain/local account you created earlier to run SQL Server in the appropriate boxes. Make sure the "Use a domain user account" radio button is checked.

Click SQL server and SQL Server Agent check boxes at the bottom of the screen. Click "Next".

On the next screen choose to use Mixed Mode authentication. You can change this after the SharePoint setup is complete.

On the collations screen leave the defaults and click "Next".

On the "Error and Usage Report Settings" screen leave the defaults and click "Next".

On the "Ready to Install" screen click "Install".

The setup process will run and you will see the setup progress screen.

When the setup completes click "Next". Then click "Finish".

Set the Sharepoint account that you created earlier, it can be the same account that is used to run SQL Server, to be have Database Creator, sysadmin and security admin rights on SQL server.

Next install Windows Workflow extensions. You will need to make sure that it is version 3807.7 build or higher.

The 3807.7 version can be downloaded here: You need to make sure that you install the Runtime Components download that is appropriate for your system if you dont have Visual Studio 2005 installed on your machine.

Double click on the install file for Windows Workflow.

Click "Ok" on the license screen that appears.

Install IIS on the sever and make sure ASP 2.0 is installed on IIS. If you are not sure you can run the aspnet_regiis I from within the 2.0 folder. The default install location is C:\windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\V2.0.50727.

* To install IIS on the server go to the "Control Panel" and double click on "Add\Remove Programs". Click on "Add/Remove Windows Components" and in the window that appears check the box next to "Application Server".

Highlight "Application Server" and click on the "Details" button. Make sure that the check boxes next to "ASP .NET" and "Internet Information Services (IIS)" are checked. Click OK and then click "Next".

Insert the SharePoint 2007 Beta 2 disk into the server.

If the disk doesn't autoplay, run setup.bat on the disk.

Enter the product key on the appropriate screen. Click "Continue".

Click the check box that you except the terms of use. Click "Continue".

You will need to choose if you are going to install SharePoint 2007 as standalone single server, this will install SQL Desktop Express, or the advanced version which can be for a single server or a server farm.

You will need SQL Server 2000 SP3 or SQL Server 2005 for the Advanced version. We will do the advanced version in this process on SQL Server 2005. Click "Advanced".

On the next screen you can choose from three options. We will be installing on a single server and SQL Server 2005 so we will choose the first options "Complete Intall all components. Can add servers to form a SharePoint farm." because the last option will install the desktop database engine which we dont want to install. On the file location tab you can pick the installation location on the server.

Click "Install Now".

Make sure the "Run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard now." is checked and click "Close".

When the Configuration Wizard appears click "Next".

Click "Yes" on the pop-up window that appears about restarting services on the server.

Click the "No, I want to create a new server farm" as we dont have an existing 2007 SharePoint installation.

On the Specify Configuration Database settings screen specify the name of the server. If you used above the options above in the SQL Server setup this will be the name of the server you are installing SharePoint 2007 on.

Leave the configuration database name as it is.

Enter the username and password of the account that you created earlier in the setup process.

Click "Next".

Leave the default options on the screen that appears and click "Next".

On the next screen that appears click "Next".

Sharepoint will then complete 9 configuration tasks.

Once the tasks are completed you will be redirected to the Sharepoint Administration page.

Click to install Sharepoint 2007.doc to download the word document version of these instructions.

Jason Fortner is co-founder of Total Productivity Solutions. Total Productivity Solutions is an Atlanta based compan that provides custom SharePoint, webpart and .NET development; and solutions to common software development issues are also provided on the site.Alexia Blog95951
Berty Blog5084

Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Spyware

John Locke said that "no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty, or possessions",Yet as I sit here at my computer this morning, I get the feeling that the attempts being made to keep the Internet's safe will not come to fruition soon.

Yes, I can hear you saying, "don't be such a downer, Doug"

Well, hear me out.

Lets explore John Lockes quote shall we?

Life. Yours, mine, your loved ones. Its yours, to do with what you will. Well, sometimes your will is to use the Internet's. But how secure are you? Is your AntiVirus, AntiSpyware and Firewall working and up to date? Do you know what is a Spam email is and not to click on the URL they provide? These decisions can affect your life if you are online.

Next, Liberty or as I prefer to think of, Freedom. To have access to particular resources without constraint. If online threats are making your life hectic, would you consider your rights violated? I would if I found out that some drive by download had installed a keylogger on my computer and then cleaned out my bank account. Or how about while you're trying to conduct business online and you keep getting these awful pop=ups telling you about the sale at Harveys Fish Emporium.

Are your Liberties/ Freedoms being constrained yet?

Now we come to the best part, the pursuit of Spyware. Ok, so John Locke didn't say anything about Spyware, Write your own article, this ones mine!

Threats to our online safety are growing in leaps and bounds by the day. I learned long ago, there is always someone out there who is better than anyone previously. The attacks on servers, the Bot networks, the phishing, the URL re-directs, Keyloggers, Image Spam, it just goes on and on. Your personal information is at risk every minute you are online.

I know, you have the best AntiVirus, AntiSpyware, Firewall there is. But is it really? How do you know? When was the last time you ran "Hijack This" and uploaded the results to a help Forum like MajorGeeks, Bleeping Computer or DaniWeb? Its the only way to make sure your computer is clean. And theres no guarantee it wont become re-infected two minutes after you leave the Forum.I know it happens because I frequent these Forums and I see hundreds of freaked users pleading for help. Many are repeat submitters.

Which brings me to the whole purpose of this article. To bring into the spotlight those out there who fight everyday to help keep us safe. They sit at their computers for hours at a time, examining postings in Forums to help others they don't even know stay out of the clutches of those who would benefit from the misfortune of others.

Ever get that feeling of helplessness that comes when your computer wont work right.

Remember? Not fun huh? These people read your postings and know your pain. Its hard to do this also, they have to help you fix your computer thru posting instructions for you to do. Miscommunication and frustrations can cause it to take longer and compound the repairs.

Then there are the organizations that go after the meanies that cause your pain.

They put out alerts and issue fixes. These include The Alliance of Security Analysis Professionals, The Anti-Spyware Coalition, The Council of Advocates for Relief from Malware Assimilation, The Spamhaus Project, just to name a few. There are plenty more out there that are fighting the good fight every day. The goal is a communication arena where all can participate without concern of malicious intent.

Kind of like the old days when the Internet first existed.

Back then there were "Hackers". They were mostly driven by ego and competition to see who was the best. Now its mostly about money. Legions of Bot captured computers sending out Spam and ads going to millions and millions of unprotected servers, computers and of course, into your email. Theres also the Pharming of websites, waiting like a spider in its lair for you to show up and give you a lil driveby download of something special. You name the evil that people do and you can find it online. Thank goodness the goodness of the Internet's is on the other side of the scale.

So, the solution? Make another one and try again? I don't have the answer, I do know that there are good people out there who want safety for all and are making a good show of it. They deserve our thanks.

I believe there is alway bad that comes with the good. A balance or whatever. And like the other saying goes, Retaining Freedom for all requires constant vigilance.

So be vigilant.

Doug Woodall has a website at There he provides free information and recommended products to combat Spyware, Viruses and other Online Nasties. Caralie Blog34758
Carlyn Blog71758

Property Makes Financing Cheaper- Low Rate Secured Loan

In todays world money is everything. Dreams of a person will remain as it is, if they are not supported by sufficient finances. Some may desire of owning their house and few may need finance in order to meet their immediate expenses. The most common problem faced by people is that they are not able to meet their expenses through their regular paycheque. They require an additional source of funds. And the most appropriate and cheap way is low rate secured loan.

It is generally seen the criterion of loan into which the borrower looks is the low rate of interest and longer repayment period. And, fortunately these two are the basic characteristics of low rate secured loan.

In low rate secured loan it is an obligation for a person to place collateral. Collateral can be in the form of a house, or any other asset. High value or high equity in the collateral, let the person to avail higher amount and with low rate of interest. Equity can be defined as the value obtained by subtracting the debts (previous if any, taken on the asset) from the market value of the asset. The person can borrow up to 125% of equity in the asset. But it may vary from lender to lender.

Interest rate and the repayment period vary from person to person. But, in general it varies from 3 to 25 years depending upon the loan amount.

Usually, any person can avail low rate secured loan either with poor credit score or good credit score. But this doesnt mean that they are on same level. Rather, having a good credit score has its own advantages such as low interest rate as compared to the interest offered to person with poor credit score.

Market is full of lenders offering secured loans such as debt consolidation loan, business loan, wedding loan and many more. It totally depends on the choice and need of the borrower as for which purpose he needs funds.

There is also a need to hunt for the lenders offering low rate secured loan in order to get the competitive rate of interest. Every person wants that he must get the best loan so, for this purpose he will be required to take certain steps. They are:

Consider all the terms and conditions

Consult credit advisor

Be sure that lender is reputable

No hidden cost involved

Last but not least consider your affordability

Remember, a single step in wrong direction will lead the person in a sea of debts.

Andrew Baker has done his masters in finance from CPIT. He is engaged in providing free, professional, and independent advice to the residents of the UK. He works for the Secured loan web site loans fiesta. For any type of loans, low rate Secured Loans, Cash Loans, Personal loans, Secured Debt Consolidation Loans in UK please visit Blog83352
Anabelle Blog99203

The Hidden Meaning of Their Summer Vacation

Everyones big on emotional intelligence now, because weve learned the hard way that a persons people skills can make or break them in the workplace. If the person is highly exceptional in their field, it can be a close call, but all things being equal, we prefer to work and socialize with people who are pleasant and know how to get along.

The person with high EQ always tunes in to how the other person thinks and feels, in order to smooth the road for communication, instruction, sales, influence, leadership, or just plain congenial interface in the workplace. However, others tend to wear masks and not reveal too much, for protection, because theyre naturally reticent, because theyve been taken advantage of, because they think its professional, or because their culture dictates blending in. Also from fear or ignorance.

So how can you find out more about someone in a non-invasive manner? Ask them about their vacation. Most people will let down their guard in this area. You might assume its a topic most people are excited about, but and here begins the EQ lesson that isnt the case. We do everything like we do everything else, so listen and learn. Here are some things to listen for and process:


Not everyones enthusiastic about their vacation. Some will whine and complain because:

1. Once I take it, its gone for the year

2. It isnt worth it. You have to do so much before you leave.

3. Two weeks isnt nearly enough for what I have to go through here

4. US workers are cheated. The French get 6 weeks off.

5. The reservations always get screwed up, the hotel will be lousy, it always happens to me

6. I know Im going to hate Montreal. We always end up going where she wants to go.

7. I cant stand my brother-in-law/mother/his kids

Optimists will be gung-ho about every aspect. You can expect the person to approach work tasks or requests in the same manner optimistic, pessimistic, or as the victim.


In telling their plans, the worriers will say:

1. I dont know if Ive got the right clothes

2. It sounds like a good hotel, but Im not sure its the best one

3. I hope my wife likes Cozumel

4. I hate to leave my car at the airport, but if you call a cab theres no guarantee it will show up

5. I dont know how Ill get everything done booking the kennel for the dog, getting a house-sitter, stopping the newspaper

6. What if theres one of those virus outbreaks on the cruiseship?

If you have a worrier on your hands, theyll need much reassurance before taking on an assignment, and hand-holding in the process. Its their natural style to worry. On the StrengthsFinder they would have deliberativeness for a strength. You can discount by 50% their concerns about a work project and use them to outline the worst-case scenario and ferret out the loopholes for you.


In talking about their vacation, the introvert will say:

1. A 10-hour plane flight. Like I want to sit next to some insurance salesman and listen to his life story for 10 hours

2. The cabins are isolated. We like it that way.

3. It sounded great until I found out my girl-friend had invited her whole family

4. Its a River cruise. Few people, no bar or gambling. You dont have to sit with other people for meals.

5. I plan to read a lot

6. We get a balcony suite and watch the sunset, just the two of us

The extravert will say:

1. ClubMed! Think of all the other singles Ill meet!

2. On the strip where all the action is. We love to mix and mingle.

3. Its gonna be great. His whole familys going to be there.

4. We like cruises, the bigger the ship the better. Theres always someone to talk to!

5. Sunset Celebration at Mallory Square! Total tourist trap, street shows and vendors, cheap souvenirs, everyones drinking, dancing, noisy! I love it!

You can use this information in planning committees, office space, work groups, and general interface with this person.


Here are some replies to Are you ready for your vacation?

1. Sure am. Ive got my books chosen.

2. I still need some dresses. Im sure there will be people there in jeans, but I like to dress.

3. Yes. We were lucky enough to get orchestra seats for the opera.

4. This time Ive convinced him to just get a tent and camp out.

5. Yes but Im dreading it (hiking). My idea of a vacation is room-service in a 5-star resort.

6. A bathing suit and some shorts. I love these barefoot cruises. Very physical.

7. High and low. Gowns for the opera, and no bathing suits required for the hot tub at the spa.

8. Im finally going to see the Louvre!

9. I love cruises. No car to hassle. Room-service. Food 24/7.

Someone who chooses to go camping or hiking for their vacation is likely more physical and casual than a person who wants to wear a tux and attend the opera. You can check out the assumption that the hikers and campers will prefer to be treated more casually and are more group-oriented and active than the culture and spa hounds, who may be more reserved, and either sensual (always concerned about the thermostat and the ergonomic chairs) or sedentary (ask someone else to run the errands).


Sometimes just a sentence or two will reveal things about their lifestyle and values you didnt know. For example:

1. Were just hanging out at home. I never get to see enough of my family. Besides, moneys tight right now.

2. Santa Fe. Love the art, the spas, the opera. Just having trouble getting a room for less than $350 a night.

3. Weve booked an affordable resort in Iowa. All the kids and grandkids will be there.

4. Its our annual family holiday. Marys rich brother has a condo at the beach. We all bring food and take turns cooking.

5. Going to see Annes mother. She probably wont live another 6 months.

6. He always takes me to Paris for my birthday. It costs a fortune, but he can afford it.

7. Jim wanted to take that Mexican train trip. I always let him choose.

8. Missionary trip to Belize. Ive organized a group from church.

9. Seattle. And man I hope we get along this time.

In inquiring about a vacation, you can find out whos a leader and whos a follower, and idea of their financial situation, who the person chooses to be with, whos an introvert and whos an extravert, who might be having marital problems, what their interests are a whole range of information.

And remember, while youre observing, youre being observed. Ive sat with work groups where the top brass quizzed one another about vacations, and acted as if the support staff didnt have a life. Remember that the person who isnt nice to the waiter, isnt a nice person and respeto means having respect for all people, regardless of their fit in the workplace hierarchy. Its a team, isnt it?

Whether its two weeks on their own yacht, day trips to the lake and public parks, babysitting the grandchildren, staying home and painting the house, or catching all the art museums in NYC, the person with character, manners and high EQ is inclusive, and listens and responds positively.

©Susan Dunn, Personal Life Coach,, . Susan offers individual coaching, Internet courses and ebooks for your personal and professional development. Career, retirement, relationships, emotional intelligence, wellness, stress management. Email for fr*e ezine. Susan is a regular speaker for cruise lines and the author of Speak on a Cruise and Travel the World for Pennies, available at . She trains and certifies coaches worldwide.Arluene Blog27493
Catie Blog65904

Best Places In Miami Gardens

So youve just been to a Dolphins game. This means youre in Miami Gardens and you probably need a drink (with how this season is shaping up, youll definitely need a drink), and maybe a bite to eat. Miami Gardens doesnt offer quite the same bustling nightlife as the rest of Miami. So where do you go? Lucky for all you thirsty fans, Ive put together a list of my favorite places to go in Miami Gardens after watching the Dolphins fall all over themselves. Enjoy.

#1 Pinos Sports Bar and Grill: Located on Miami Lakes Drive, this place is the perfect place to go after the game, provided you want to talk about, hear about, and see what just happened. Its a great place both to celebrate a victory and to drown your sorrows with other like-minded fans. This is also a great place to go if you cant get tickets, as the facilities are well equipped to bring you the game. Pinos also offers beer a plus in any sports bar.

#2 Shulas Steak 2: This is actually in Miami Lakes, but is only a few miles away from the stadium. Well-known Florida football legend Don Shula operates a whole chain of hotels, bars, and steakhouses in the Miami Lakes area. Shulas Steak 2 is adjacent to the steakhouse, and offers a great happy hour, as well as excellent appetizers. Because of the low noise level, its a nice spot to hit after a game if youre a bit tired. Like Pinos, Shulas proudly serves beer.

#3 Mario the Baker: If you want some fantastic New York-style pizza, head over to Marios. The simple dcor and worn booths of Marios just feel right after watching a game, and the food is cheap and fantastic. Marios also serves beer.

There you have it my picks for where to go after a Dolphins game. Its going to be a long season, so you should be sure to have a few places in mind where you can go to unwind. Just because your team isnt doing well doesnt mean you cant make a night of it and have a good time. Youll just probably need some beer.

Nick Jurkowski is a senior editor for The essays above can be found on his night life blog, The Urban Adventure Blog, which is updated daily.Caitlin Blog19590
Belita Blog30091

Different Schools in the Seattle School District Honor Graduates

Garfield High School Honors 84 Year-Old Graduate

On Monday, June 19th, Richard Coone received an honorary diploma from Garfield High School, a Seattle High School. He walked with the Garfield High graduates at the graduating ceremonies held at Qwest Field. Mr. Coone has waited over sixty-five years to receive a diploma. In 1941, Mr. Coone was a senior at Garfield High School and was prepared to graduate with his friends but World War II got in the way. In his junior year, Mr. Coone had joined the National Guard by lying about his age. He did this in order to be with his older brother. By joining the Battery 146 Field Artillery Battalion, he was to serve with several students from Garfield High School. But before graduation, he was called to Fort Lewis and did not return home until 1945. After returning home he worked for the Seattle times for over thirty years. Garfield High School and other Seattle Schools are honored to recognize Dick Coone for his service to the State of Washington and our country.

Seattle Alliance of Black School Educators Annual Recognition Dinner for Retirees and Graduating Seniors

The Seattle Alliance of Black School Educators, the local affiliate of the National Alliance of Black Educators, will hold a dinner honoring selected graduating students and retiring faculty on June 21, 2006. The annual dinner is also used to recognize those students who have received Seattle Alliance of Black School Educators scholarships. The students are chosen from high schools throughout Seattle Schools. The criteria used to select the students includes examining the students academic record, their involvement in school activities, their participation in community service, the students financial need, and a required application essay. The scholarships will be used to further the students education. This years dinner will also honor five retiring faculty members from the Seattle Schools. These retirees are honored due to their outstanding service and commitment to their work in Seattle Schools.

The SABSE is part of the National Alliance of Black School Educators (NABSE). The NABSE is a non-profit organization devoted to furthering the academic success for the nations children - particularly children of African descent. In 1970 the NABSE was founded to improve both the educational experiences and accomplishments of African American youth through the development and use of instructional and motivational methods that increase levels of inspiration, attendance and overall achievement. The NABSE aims to accomplish its goals by facilitating the education of all students, with a particular focus on African American students

Stacy Andell is a staff writer for Schools K-12, Which provides free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Stacy has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues.Benoite Blog10631
Carmen Blog62201

Synchronising NTP Servers to the GPS System

The GPS system is a worldwide navigational system operated by the US military. The system is maintained by USNO, the United States Naval Observatory. The Global Positioning System is implemented from space by 24 satellites in high orbit. Each satellite has precise timing equipment that can be used to triangulate position for navigational purposes. Low-cost GPS antennas and receivers are now widely available and provide precise time and frequency information worldwide.

This article presents an introduction to using the GPS system for computer timing applications. It describes the equipment that can be utilised to provide a precise time resource for computers and computer networks.

Each GPS satellite has a highly accurate atomic clock timing reference, which can be used by NTP servers to synchronise computer networks. Each satellite continually broadcasts accurate time and positioning information. This information can be received by a GPS receiver and externally mounted GPS antenna. The timing information received is referenced to UTC time. The system is a free to air service requiring no set-up or subscription fees.

Many Network Time Protocol (NTP) server systems utilise GPS time as an external timing reference to synchronise Windows, LINUX, UNIX and other operating systems and network infrastructures. GPS is an ideal time and frequency source because it can provide highly accurate time anywhere in the world using relatively cheap components.

Each GPS satellite transmits a very low-power radio signal at two frequencies; L1 and L2. L1 is the civilian frequency band transmitted at 1575 MHz, while L2 is used for military positioning purposes. The radio signal transmitted by each satellite can easily pass through material such as glass and plastics but are blocked more substantial materials used in buildings. The signals travel by line of sight. The ideal location for a GPS antenna is on a rooftop with a good view of the sky.

The radio signals can be received by a low-cost GPS antenna. The antenna is essentially a high gain amplifier, which is used to amplify and transmit the weak radio signals down a coax cable to a GPS receiver.

The cable length that can be utilised between a GPS antenna and receiver is critical. The maximum distance that can be utilised is dependant on the gain of the antenna and the quality of the coax cable used. High antenna gain and high quality coax allows for much longer cable runs.

GPS signal amplifiers can be fitted inline on the coax cable to boost the signal and increase cable length. GPS amplifiers are generally powered from the coax cable. The higher the amplification, or gain, provided by the antenna, the longer the cable length that can be utilised.

Roof-mounted antennas can be prone to lighting strikes or other voltage surges. A lightning strike up to a quarter of a mile away can damage electronic components. Therefore, it is recommended that a surge suppressor be fitted. Lightning or surge suppressors are installed inline on the GPS cable and redirect any surge to earth. Various types of surge suppressor are available, from gas discharge devices to solid-state multi-strike devices.

GPS receivers decode the received signal from the antenna and provide easily readable information in a serial format. Most operating systems, including Microsoft Windows, LINUX and UNIX as well as time server systems can utilise the time output provided by the GPS receiver for accurate synchronisation. Many different GPS protocols are utilised, the most popular being NMEA. The NMEA protocol was developed by the National Marine Electronics Association. The protocol specifies a set of sentences that contain time and positioning information obtained by the GPS receiver. The sentences can be parsed by a PC or time server to obtain accurate time.

To summarise, the GPS system is an excellent source of precise time for NTP server systems or for synchronising stand-alone Windows, LINUX and UNIX PC's. By using relatively low-cost components, the Global Positioning System can provide time sensitive applications with precise timing information.

David Evans is an experienced technical author in the telecommunications and network time synchronisation industries. You can find out more about GPS NTP Time Server and Windows Time Server systems at: Blog70742
Beatrisa Blog50509

Interior Design London UK

Whatever your interest in interior design, London is likely to have what you are looking for. Maybe you are seeking inspiration and imaginative tips on interior design for your own home or you are an interior designer and want to promote your own work, or perhaps you want to hire the services of a professional designer or even study interior design yourself, no matter what your need is, there is no better place to satisfy it than from the design capital of the UK itself, London.

Visiting Exhibitions in London

London hosts a number of exciting exhibitions every year, some of which focus on a specific area of interior design and others that are broader in their approach. Exhibitions serve many purposes, they can showcase new talent and fresh ideas from up and coming interior designers often alongside the work of already well established and highly sought after designers in the industry, they highlight the latest fashions and trends, spark new creative ways of thinking, provide opportunities to network and increase business sales and of course they offer the chance to view the work of some of the best interior designers in the world.

The following list represents just three Interior Design Exhibitions that regularly take place in London:

* 100 Percent Design Exhibition usually takes place in September over 3 days and is open to the general public on one of those days. More information can be found at

* Decorex This exhibition also takes place each September but is only for trade and professionals in the interior design industry. Details of the next exhibition can be found at

* New Designers Exhibition opens to the public and exhibits the work of thousands of new and up and coming designers every July. You can find out more information from

There are of course many other exhibitions taking place throughout the year and a list of them can be viewed on The British Interior Design Association website at

Hiring a professional Interior Designer

Many of us would like to transform our own home and although we may start out with great ideas and intentions, quite a few of us never actually get around to doing anything about it. Hiring a professional interior designer is one way of getting it done and if you don't have someone in mind already; one place to start looking is The British Interior Design Association. The BDA keep a list on their site of interior designers who are either registered members or associated members.

Registered members are the most qualified and have the most experience as in order to get registered they have to satisfy the Association's strict criteria. An Associate member has to have been working in the industry for at least a year and will have passed the association's interview process for membership. You can search for an interior designer at

Another option is The Interior Design Handbook website at, where you can search a list of potential designers by location as well as speciality. You will also be able to view their profiles online.

Studying Interior design in London

London offers hundreds of courses on various aspects of interior design starting from the most basic right through to graduate degrees and beyond and so finding the right one can seem like a daunting task but it needn't be if you know where to look.

A small sample of interior design schools in London include:

* The KLC school of Design
* The AIU School of Interior Design
* The Interior Design School

You could also try searching for other courses at, which is the official guide to all the different adult education courses on offer throughout London. UCAS will also be able to provide you with comprehensive information on different undergraduate courses that are interior design related and what colleges and universities are offering these courses.

Why London for Interior Design?

London attracts a wealth of talent and creative thinking within the interior design Industry and is an important springboard for launching the very latest designs from some of the best interior designers in the world. London also provides endless opportunities for up and coming interior designers to showcase and promote their own work and can be a source of inspiration for anyone interested in interior design at any level.

David McEvoy is an expert in interior design. If you are looking for a leather sofa to give the finishing touches to a newly decorated room then please come and visit our site Blog42430
Brier Blog6196

A Quick and Exciting History of Viking Pool Cues

Almost fifty years ago in Wisconsin, Viking pool cues came into existence. Little did Gordon Hart, the creator of the carefully designed cues, know that they would quickly sweep the nation. His humble operation in the basement of his pool room was welcomed by plenty of admiration as his Viking cues were recognized as some of the best in the billiards industry.

In the 1970's and 1980's, Hart's small company continued to grow and grow based on their own merits. However, when the film "The Color of Money" hit the big screen in 1986, the success of Viking cues could no longer be avoided. Viking, like so many other companies in the billiard industry, didn't know what hit them when "The Color of Money" came out, as it sent waves of change through billiard halls across America -- suddenly, people discovered how fun and exciting it was to play pool. Pool became a legitimate sport almost overnight!

Signal the widespread appearance of the Viking pool cue. Viking cues were practically a household name by the late 1980's, and Hart felt he must take advantage of this new societal phenomenon. With the help of his wife Nancy, the two worked on an aggressive advertising campaign to help get Viking cue sticks into every home with a pool table. But getting the word out was only part of their strategy.

Additionally, Viking cues were being constructed with a new vision for detail and innovation. They were created to be distinctly unique from their peers. And now, in the 21st century with the new and advanced F-series, owners can rest assured that their Viking pool cue is not like a typical pool cue. This is because it's built differently. Most pool cues are made with steel and metal to connect the wood pieces. But Viking connects the pieces with finger-joints that allow for maximum flexibility.

And Viking cues are of course just as straight and strong as the best in the industry, as the wood is seasoned for up to 24 months. Each Viking cue is a modern day tribute of art and talent to the brands history of quality. So you're not just getting long-lasting, game-enhancing Viking cues, but a billiard cue that looks as sharp as its aim. Just because Viking cues focus on the professional level of play and craftsmanship doesn't mean you need to save up for months and months to get one. The Hart's advertising strategy also included creating cues for average billiards enthusiast without sacrificing quality. As you can see, Viking cues has had a dramatic history that ring's true with the American dream.

Jason Marco runs a great billiard supply store with discount prices where you can find Viking cues and other great cue products. Click here: Blog28114
Adella Blog59939

Remembering 80s Arcade Games

The funniest thing triggered some great old memories of 80s arcade games . Last night I went to a store, a 24-hour convenience one, to get a cigarette lighter and asked for the difference between Bic lighters and Scripto lighters. Unexpectedly the boy on shift was helpful and kind enough to inform me that as per their reputation the Bic works much better. That's when I made my decision to go for the good old, never failing Bic.

That is how I remembered an old TV ad with Peggy Fleming. And I told the kid about it, about her skating on a Bic pen attached to the blade of her skate and after a round on the ice the pen was still writing. Obviously that story I told him made him calculate quickly, and he made me laugh with the question asking if that was back in the fifties. But he wasn't scoffing, on the contrary, he actually confessed that he would have loved it to be born and raised in this age, in the time when things have been new and cheap as the first video games and even McDonald's.

This on is turn made me think about the things we had as children and how very few kids nowadays will consider them worthy to even look at. Unlike the twenty-something generation now that only know computers and the latest video consoles, I've experienced first hand how the 80s arcade games were played, and how they paved the road for PC games and the portable handheld games.

It is true that for 80s arcade games, Pong itself was a big thing - the first ever thing to be done virtually, but it was far in the 60s and what I am really fond of are the memories of actually going to an arcade in order to play games. Real arcade with a change machine only apart from the stand alone, full sized games with their handles and buttons, such as Asteroids, and Donkey Kong, Pac Man and Mr. Pac Man.

As there was nowhere else to go after school actually, because apart from the malls that e didn't like t hang into, the 80s arcades games were the only places for under 21-year-olds. And we devoted both ourselves and our free time to spending every last quarter there.

There was one 80s arcade game that I liked much more than the others. It was called Quix and I never managed to find a copy of it again, neither in the internet, nor on a CD-R. The task was to part off pieces of a huge rectangle that was on the screen, using a stylus controlled by the joystick, avoiding the electrical sparks/fuses moving around, because in case they get to you, your score returns to zero and you start from the beginning. It was just a simple game or people who were not fond of all the killing and shooting and in was much easier to move in the limited 2D space.

But in fact I still have a place in my heart for the times (a few months only) that I was totally addicted to the great Space Invaders. Boy, the more I think about it the more I realize just how much I loved those 80s arcade games.

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning games. Get the information you are seeking now by visiting Blog39383
Bernardine Blog70522

Grand Bahamas Island Is A Grand Place To Go On Holiday

The very name suggests that this is a grand place and must be a wonderful destination to enjoy a vacation. The Bahamas consists of more the seven hundred islands and anyone who loves outdoor activities and beaches; this is the place they must be in when on a vacation. Grand Bahamas Island, Abaco, Long Island and Cat Island are some of the very popular tourist destinations sin the Bahamas. Nassau is the capital of this island and tourist who have been there once promise to come back aging and again year after year due to the wonderful natural beauty of the place. So if spring is approaching and you are planning to go on a vacation with your family or your partner, you do not have to spend a lot of time thinking about the location. Surely you do not want to lose an opportunity to go to the Bahamas for a vacation.

Making proper travel arrangements is very important. The island is situated in the Atlantic Ocean contrary to popular belief that the island is located is the Caribbean. For many people Grand Bahamas Island is the dream destination where they want to go on a vacation at least once in their lifetime. The best part you can go to this place for a vacation every year even if you are little short on finance. This can be done by taking a discount Bahamas vacation package, which many tour operators offer to their clients. That is not all one can also take holiday loans to go and enjoy the vacation of their lifetime. The white beaches and fishing are the major attractions for those who love to enjoy and indulge in various water activities. Deep sea fishing is one attraction that no individual who loves fishing can miss out on.

Remember if you are going on a vacation in the Grand Bahamas Islands, you must be cautious about the tour operator you are dealing with. Also if you are planning to go there during the peak tourism season i.e. the spring break, you better be careful about this. If you do not make all the arrangements beforehand and on time chances are you may find that all the hotels and resorts have been booked and you may have to end up dropping the idea of going on a vacation to the Bahamas, the dream tourist destination. So think about all this things well in advance, you will surely not want the holiday and your mood to be spoiled at the last moment.

The grand Bahamas provide a wonderful rest ad relaxation option to al tourists. One can go to the long never ending beaches and enjoy a laid back and relaxing time. Taking a break from work and relaxing in the blue waters of the Bahamas Inlands is something that no one would like to miss out on. As a tourist you just have to make sure that you make proper arrangements for the vacation so that there is no chance of anything going wrong at the last moment. The Grand Bahamas Islands is a wonderful destination where one can go on honeymoon with their spouse.

Suzane Gray has been offering Bahama travel and vacation packages advice for quite some time.To find Cheap Bahamas vacation packages, Grand bahamas island, Bahamas travel package that best suits your needs, visit Blog45711
Beth Blog15571

Pure Silver Fine Silver

Wearing silver jewelry is quite fashionable for young people and its white luster bestows a serene elegance on the wearer. You will find exquisite silver jewelry available in the market ranging from beautiful silver charms, necklaces, bracelets, earrings, rings, bangles and watches. Its much more affordable compared to gold and exudes a shine quite similar to platinum.

Silver has been used to make jewelry right the time of the Phoenician, Byzantine and Egyptian empires. Today, most of the worlds silver comes from the mines of Mexico and Peru.

Pure silver is call fine silver. Since silver in its purest forms is very soft and quite malleable, other metals are mixed, to make it more durable. Its important to look out for the 925, .925 or Sterling Silver mark, when buying jewelry because these marks ensure that the silver is 92.5% pure. The remaining 7.5 percent of the jewelry is copper. Even though any other metal can be used to make up the 7.5 percent, copper is preferred since it is found to be the most suited alloy to silver as it can improve the metals hardness and durability without diminishing its white luster.

The 925, .925 or Sterling Silver marks shows that the silver jewelry you are buying is not silver plated and not an imitation made with other white colored metal alloys. At the same time, if you find a mark higher than the recommended 92.5%, avoid buying the piece as it will be too soft. It cant endure everyday wear and is not worth the money spent.

One thing about silver jewelry is that it develops a tarnish, which occurs quite naturally when it interacts with sulfur or hydrogen in the surrounding air. Tarnish can be removed by using polish specifically formulated to remove tarnish from silver jewelry. Silver polishes, solutions, or cloths required to remove tarnish can be found at local hardware stores or specialty craft stores.

Avoid exposing silver to chemicals such as bleach or ammonia which may happen when you are cleaning your house. When swimming in chlorinated water remove or set aside your silver jewelry, such as earring or chains, before your swim. Such exposures will only damage silver jewelry. Its best to place your silver jewelry in cloth pouch or in a separate area of you jewelry box. Proper care will ensure that your silver jewelry lasts for a lifetime.

Linda Polansky writes about, and Blog99203
Aline Blog40052

Army Correspondence Courses - Preparing For Your Future

The United States Army is an education-driven force. Whether you plan on a career in the Armed Forces or not, Army correspondence courses are available to prepare you for your future career.

The Army Correspondence Course Program (ACCP)

The Army Correspondence Course Program helps you keep your skills current and prepare for advancement in your military career. As you complete modules, you earn points toward promotion. Each module has several subcourses in it that you complete one at a time.

The Army Correspondence Course Program gives you training specific to your professional field. You can take courses for skill qualification development or to advance in your MOS, too.


eArmyU is a program that the Army sponsors that allows you to take college courses over the internet on your off-duty time. eArmyU helps you prepare for a future non-military career, or to simply take courses for your own personal interest and development.

Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES)

DANTES provides military personell with educational opportunities compatible with the military lifestyle. You can take career training or college courses through several different DANTES programs. DANTES is very cutting edge and innovative in the way education is delivered to deployed troops. They utilize traditional learning, satellite courses, e-learning, video, courses that you can download to a PDA and even Podcast classes.

Many colleges and universities are authorized to provide distance learning through DANTES. You can take specific courses that you need for degree completion, earn a college degree, or take vocational career training through DANTES sponsored educational providers.

Military lifestyle makes traditional education difficult. Your education can be interrupted at any time by deployment or transfer. The Army has educational programs to compensate for that by providing courses in a distance-learning format.

If you plan on continuing your military career you can prepare for promotion and advancement through the Army Correspondence Course Program. You can even enter the Green to Gold Enlisted Commissioning program by earning a degree and entering Officer Training.

If you do not plan on continuing in the military, you can prepare for a post-military career. Army correspondence courses will help you.

Disadvantages of Online Courses

Online learning has some disadvantages, too. Some people learn better in a traditional classroom. They need the live interaction with an instructor and other students. Online classes may try to simulate classroom interaction, but they cannot duplicate it.

In order to succeed at online learning, you have to have some specific skills. You have to be self-motivated, responsible for your own learning and have good time management skills. If you don't have those skills, traditional classes may be a better choice for you.

One huge disadvantage of online courses, especially if you are talking about e-learning grids and virtual educational communities, is accessibility. Not everyone has ready access to a computer with an internet connection. Without that access, online learning is hard.

Online education is so portable and flexible for so many people that it's easy to miss the disadvantages. If online education were the best choice for every person every time, we wouldn't need brick-and-mortar schools, would we? There are both advantages and disadvantages of online courses.

Dean Iggo is the webmaster of where you can find the best distance learning programs and degrees to suit your needs.Annabel Blog78679
Adelind Blog41889

Making The Grade With An Information Technology Degree

With computers in every type of workplace from the high-rise office to the post office, an information technology degree is simply one of the most useful qualifications available. A dependence on computers has created a need for those who understand the inner workings of various information systems. IT professionals not only get networks up and running, they keep them running and are able to create resourceful solutions on their feet.

Whether one chooses to work in network engineering or security, management information systems or computer programming, there are many different areas of IT that require just as many different skills and abilities. While a love of computers is certainly a necessity, attention to detail, abstract thinking ability and a good memory are also requirements. Individual preferences for certain IT areas also come into play.

By getting an education in information technology, students can learn how to take their best abilities, merge them with state of the art skills and apply them effectively. As many come to find, the scope of IT is extremely wide allowing specialized skills to be used in a number of different places. A career in IT means never being forced to stay in only one aspect of the industry.

It is widely known that IT professionals have the benefit of a higher than average salary than other careers, even when first starting out. Plus, with computers used in every single area of life, there is hardly anywhere on the map a person could go in search of a job that doesn't need IT professionals in some manner. With technology consistently changing and updating, the demand is greater than ever.

A good information technology program teaches the latest in Microsoft, Cisco, Security Certified Professional and even cyber security. Prospective employers often look for and prefer individuals who are well versed in working with these programs. Not only is an information technology degree important, certifications in Cisco's CCNA or Microsoft's MCSE are also sought after skills.

It is not uncommon for those who work in the information technology field to eventually move on to managing their own IT division. This means the complete coordination of a company's information technology department, from planning to directing. This is a great position for those who also have great leadership skills. It is also a position that has one of the highest salaries in the IT industry.

A Bachelor's degree is generally the most basic qualification necessary for many entry-level IT positions. It allows one to develop basic programming skills and learn the ins and outs of different networks. Data administration and business skills are also common subjects.

One can also earn their Master's degree in information technology. The newest cutting edge skills merge with a further understanding of market demand and other business aspects to create a well-rounded education. The higher the education, the better an individual's earning power will be.

There is nothing more satisfying than being able to see one's work have a positive effect and make a difference. It provides not only confidence but also a sense of accomplishment. Those who work in IT can rest on the knowledge that theirs in an industry with a strong future.

With dependence on computers growing every day, it is no wonder that so many have decided to seek out an information technology degree. While it is a chance to provide oneself with a solid future, it is also a chance to stay at the forefront and take part in the newest of technologies. For those who truly love the ever-changing world of technology, that is the best part of the job.

Andy West is a freelance writer for Virginia College. Virginia College offers many Information Technology Degree programs. Please visit Virginia College at to select the IT Program that is right for you.Cairistiona Blog64261
Beth Blog35141

Effective Study Habits

Effective study habits are essential for achieving and maintaining a high GPA. More importantly, effective study habits help you to store information in long-term memory, allowing you to use the learned information in a novel setting. Applying the following rules for studying will aid you in earning excellent marks in school.

Do: 1. Keep the area around your desk neat and tidy. If possible, the area should also be quiet. If you are having trouble finding a quiet place to study, try the local library or park. The library is a perfect place to have peace and quiet. The park may not be as quiet, but the fresh air can make studying less nerve-racking. If these options are unavailable, then try listening to some music while studying.

2. Have a scheduled study time for each school day. Remember that one classroom hour should be reinforced by two hours of studying at home.

3. Sit down for 45 minute intervals, followed by 15 minute breaks. Having an easily attainable goal, like sitting for set duration of time, is effective for increasing motivation.

4. Reward yourself if and only if you have met your goal for that study session. For example, if you plan to study one chapter and succeed, then you may reward yourself by doing something pleasurable. Examples of positive reinforcement are: food, exercise, videogames, etc.

5. Make correspondences between your class notes and your textbook. This will help you to fill in any background information not covered in class.

6. Prepare questions about the chapter that will be discussed in the following class. This will help you identify areas that you don't understand.

7. Put any new words or concepts to use. The more you use the learned information, the more likely you will be to remember it. This is especially true for language classes.

8. Finally, review what you have studied just before you go to bed. You will find that you will remember the words very strongly the next morning.

Don't: 1. Procrastinate. Cramming is not beneficial for producing long term memory.

2. Highlight. Highlighting is a form of procrastination, because you are saving note taking for later. This means you must use the book twice instead of once. Instead, make careful notes to compliment your classroom notes, along with page numbers so that you can refer back to the book if necessary.

3. Study on the computer. You are bound to be tempted to check your email or surf the net.

4. Leave your cell phone on during study time. No matter who is calling or texting you, usually it can wait 45 minutes. Having your cell phone on during study time can be a major distraction and is not conducive to learning.

5. Study just after you have eaten. Studies have shown that thinking is slower after having a meal.

6. Space out. When you feel your mind begin to wander, remind yourself to concentrate. If you are reading, using your finger is a good way to keep your mind on track. The movement of your finger on the page forces you to pay attention to what you are doing.

Gene Grzywacz is dedicated to teaching college study skills to serious students and is author of The Brute Force Study Guide. To learn more visit: Blog42957
Bridget Blog38375

Cheap Payday Loans

Payday loans are very short-term loans, with payment terms ranging from 1-2 weeks. The repayment of such a loan happens once you get your paycheck. Therefore, these loans are also called cash advance, or payroll advance loan. Cheap payday loans should be sought if you are not in a mood to pay twice the money that you have borrowed.

The benefits of payday loans are that there is no credit check of the borrower. The borrower needs to produce his previous salary stub on account of a confirmation that he will be able to pay back the loan. Apart from that, the confirmation and the approval process of the loan are relatively fast, too.

Follow these techniques to obtain cheap payday loans:

There should be a proper comparison carried out between various payday loan lenders fees before you decide upon the company.

You should also learn to read the fine print that the contracts include. This means that if a company states any conditions like they charge say $20 for every $200 that are borrowed, then make sure you know for how long the charge holds and things like that.

Learn to limit yourself to your needs and borrow the amount that you feel is necessary. Dont borrow extra cash for just-in-case situations. This is because the repayment will be difficult for you. Also, payday loans are always available, so you can always come back when you need more.

If possible, ask your lender if you can pay back the loan earlier than the payoff period.. If not, then look for the shortest payoff term that you can afford to give the money back. This is because the interest rates of payday loans are higher as compared to other loans and what you need is a cheap payday loan.

The benefits of cheap payday loans are many. This is because they provide you with the required cash advance as and when you need it, and also a good market research fetches you a competitive rate of interest. Tiding over emergency financial crises is made possible by these short-term loans.

Cheap payday loans dont hurt your pocket too much and also help those people who do not have a good credit score. However, payday loans should not be made a habit, as they are expensive even if they come cheap. For more information on payday loans, you can visit .

Aditya KC is a Senior Search Engine Consultant of Outsourcing Haven Inc. He has been in the line of SEO for the past five years and has successfully completed a number of projects for various companies. He and director Mandeep Raj Mishra have written and published a number of articles related to Internet marketing and search engine optimization.Cari Blog33326
Celie Blog61846

Personalized Gifts Giving a Personal Touch

It can be difficult to find the right gift for anyone. This is especially true if you dont know them all that well. While most people appreciate the positive intention inherent in gift giving, a poorly chosen gift can leave a sour taste in ones mouth. This is why personalized gift giving is becoming very popular. Personalized gifts accentuate the most important reason behind gift giving - because you know the person. The other impetuses for gift giving, that you want to offer thanks, good wishes and make them feel good are all dramatically increased by giving personalized gifts.

There are several ways to personalize a gift each of which makes sense for particular gift giving situations. Several gift providers offer custom photo printing on variety of products from coffee mugs to shirts and more. Putting someones picture on a daily use or novelty item along with a message of thanks, friendship or love (depending on the nature of the relationship) helps to transform what would otherwise be a not-very-interesting-gift into something that will make the recipient think of you fondly.

There are several online and brick and mortar stores that offer good deals on professionally produced personalized gifts. One excellent way to find stores offering such products is search online using Google, Yahoo!, or MSN. By simply searching phrases like personalized gifts you can find a plethora of offerings to meet your needs. If you have a specific idea you can try something like personalized coffee mug or personalized beach towel to help narrow your search results.

If you are more comfortable using a local supplier you can try looking at local search results as well. Google offers an excellent local search tool known as Google Local that allows you to search for local merchants. This tool is associated with Google Maps as well so you can get directions to their location at the same time, as well as contact information.

Personalized gifts can also be a great idea for giving gifts to children. There are companies specializing in personalized childrens gifts such as personalized rocking chairs or piggy banks. Giving personalized gifts to children is a way to show the parents of the children that youve taken the extra time, effort and expense to create a gift specifically for their child, scoring you major points.

Through personalizing a gift with special themes, their name and/or pictures you connect the gift to the recipient much more strongly, insinuating a stronger bond and imbuing the gift with more meaning. Personalized gift giving gets a much stronger response than ordinary gifts, especially if its someone who you dont know as well.

Anne Harvester is a homemaker extraordinaire with years of experience creating spectacular events and gifts. She supports for those in search of fantastic gift ideas.Celeste Blog52321
Celestine Blog19650

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